Sentence example with the word 'favouring'


Last update: September 28, 2015


He was a member of the commission for ecclesiastical causes, and although afterwards he claimed that he had used all his influence to dissuade James from removing the tests, and in other ways illegally favouring the Roman Catholics, he signed the warrant for the committal of the seven bishops, and appeared as a witness against them.   [Please select]


"I suppose he does not wish people to think that he is helping or favouring us."   [Please select]


Fair weather and favouring winds had blown her across the Atlantic.   [Please select]


"Not now," he replied, replacing his cap and favouring her with his most engaging smile.   [Please select]


Favouring gales carried the brig swiftly through Sunda Straits and out into the Indian Ocean.   [Please select]


A favouring breeze filling her sails, the _Golden Hind_ pressed on.   [Please select]


On went the ship before a favouring wind; the voyage lasted but four days.   [Please select]


We must not make a false step now, when fortune is at last favouring us.   [Please select]


Promptly, in answer to that summons, came Sir Oliver's half-brother--a slender lad favouring his mother the dissolute Ralph Tressilian's second wife.   [Please select]


"Fair as the wife of Hermas" was a proverb in Antioch; and soon men began to add to it, "Beautiful as the son of Hermas"; for the child developed swiftly in that favouring clime.   [Please select]

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favourers - favouring - favours