Sentence example with the word 'harboured'


Last update: August 29, 2015


As for the pasha himself, he loudly disclaimed any such disloyal pretensions; his aim was to chastise Abdulla, pasha of Acre, who had harboured refugees from his "reforms"; to overthrow Khusrev, who had encouraged him in his refusal to surrender them; to secure the fulfilment of the sultan's promise with regard to Syria and Damascus.   [Please select]


The end of the first week in August found them harboured at Eastport.   [Please select]


Just a friendly wave to show him that she harboured no resentment any longer.   [Please select]


Early next morning one hundred and fifty men rode with the three sons of Usna and Deirdre, the wife of Nathos, toward the bay where their black galley was harboured.   [Please select]


Henry Morton was discomposed with more special cause, for he remembered that he stood answerable to the laws for having harboured Burley.   [Please select]

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harbour - harboured - harbouring