Sentence example with the word 'hawkers'


Last update: September 29, 2015


The cabmen he met and their passengers, the carpenters cutting the timber for new houses with axes, the women hawkers, and the shopkeepers, all looked at him with cheerful beaming eyes that seemed to say: Ah, there he is!   [Please select]


Then we bought peasants' clothes, and a parcel of goods such as travelling hawkers carry.   [Please select]


Sentaro was astonished to find that the poisonous globe-fish was served up in restaurants as a delectable dish, and hawkers in the streets went about selling sauces made of Spanish flies.   [Please select]


Craftsmen crowded one upon the other in dark bazaars; merchants chattered and haggled on their benches; hawkers clattered and cried their wares.   [Please select]

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hawker - hawkers - hawkie