Sentence example with the word 'huger'


Last update: July 9, 2015


At the outbreak of the Civil War the city was abandoned, and the navy yard was burned by the Federals in April 1861; Norfolk was then occupied until the 9th of May 1862 by Virginia troops, first under General William Booth Taliaferro (1822-1898) and later under General Benjamin Huger (1806-1877).   [Please select]


General Magruder with General Huger and the reserve artillery will be left before Richmond.   [Please select]


Our venturous pilots map the windy skies; To serve our pleasure, huger galleons wait.   [Please select]


Huger and huger galleasses were built, masted and timbered with mighty trunks from the virgin forests of the Old World, four and five feet thick.   [Please select]


, Gettysburg campaign; at Chancellorsville; commands Army of the Tennessee Huger, General Benjamin, against Butler Hunter, General David, and Washington interference; Sigel replaced by; succeeded by Sheridan; success at Staunton; and Early Hurlbut, General S.   [Please select]

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hugeous - huger - hugest