Sentence example with the word 'inanition'


Definition n. weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy

Last update: July 7, 2015


Being thus composed, he is neither able to eat flesh like his father, nor herbs like his mother; therefore he perisheth from inanition"; the moral follows.   [Please select]


Leonard thought fit to let it dwindle, and it has dwindled until it has perished of inanition.   [Please select]


Nothing but ignorance and inanition stand in the way of utilization of waste roof spaces.   [Please select]


Hellenism was thus expiring from its own inanition, when the inevitable avalanche overwhelmed it from without.   [Please select]


I was now nearly sick from inanition, having taken so little the day before.   [Please select]


Its charm, I fancy, is greatest to those in whom the natural man, deprived in early life of his proper aliment, grows sickly and pale, and perishes at last of inanition.   [Please select]


The feathers still go on growing in geometrical progression, and drawing the sources of vitality still faster than they can be supplied, till the bird faints and expires from inanition.   [Please select]

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inanities - inanition - inanitions