Sentence example with the word 'interrex'


Last update: October 24, 2015


These were greater advantages than the exclusive patrician possession of the offices of interrex, rex sacrorum and the higher flamens.   [Please select]


The interrex who presided over the comitia proclaimed, without opposition, Crassus and Pompey consuls.   [Please select]


Meanwhile the Senate declared the Republic in danger, and charged the interrex, the tribunes of the people, and the proconsul Cn.   [Please select]


)--“Sometimes the tribunes prevented the patricians from assembling for the election of the interrex, sometimes they forbade the interrex himself making the senatus consultus for the consular comitia.   [Please select]


The privileges of the nobility were maintained by causing the comitia for the election of the consular tribunes to be held by an interrex chosen by the aristocracy.   [Please select]

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interrelationships - interrex - interring