Sentence example with the word 'interring'


Last update: June 23, 2015


Dynasty, and introduced into Egypt by Nubian colonists, perhaps soldiers or enslaved prisoners, who preserved also their own native (and really old Egyptian) burial customs, interring their dead in " pan " graves much resembling those of the primitive Egyptians of two and three thousand years before.   [Please select]


It might have been Monsieur le Maire himself that one was interring in person.   [Please select]


By the orders of their chief, some had set about collecting the corpses of their slain comrades, with the intent of interring them.   [Please select]


The soldiers and the farmers were interring great heaps of them wherever he went, digging burial trenches close to the castle, in all the avenues of the park, in the garden paths, around the outbuildings.   [Please select]

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interrex - interring - interrogate