Sentence example with the word 'magpies'


Last update: September 14, 2015


There are deer (at least five species), boars, bears, antelopes, beavers, otters, badgers, tiger-cats, marten, an inferior sable, striped squirrels, &c. Among birds there are black eagles, peregrines (largely used in hawking), and, specially protected by law, turkey bustards, three varieties of pheasants, swans, geese, common and spectacled teal, mallards, mandarin ducks white and pink ibis, cranes, storks, egrets, herons, curlews, pigeons, doves, nightjars, common and blue magpies, rooks, crows, orioles, halcyon and blue kingfishers, jays, nut-hatches, redstarts, snipe, grey shrikes, hawks, kites, &c. But, pending further observations, it is not possible to say which of the smaller birds actually breed in Korea and which only make it a halting-place in their annual migrations.   [Please select]


These tyrants fill their treasuries as the magpies their nests.   [Please select]


I am not prepared to state that they were always the same magpies; I only know there were always three of them.   [Please select]


They chattered like a lot of magpies, and gathering round them made a movement as if to take possession of their boat.   [Please select]


Voices of peacocks, voices of ravens, voices of magpies, each claiming to be the Bird of Truth.   [Please select]


There would be no difficulty in finding nests, we thought, for we came upon magpies everywhere in our walks.   [Please select]


Young magpies, nestlings, were in nearly every house, and the birds had endured pillage, and doubtless some of them death.   [Please select]


It may be on this account that Magpies, Jays, and other large woodland birds, robbers themselves, entertain an instinctive dislike towards it.   [Please select]


Magpies, though generally distributed, are far more numerous in some districts than others.   [Please select]


The old woman sent after it at once, and when she questioned the magpies the crippled one was the only one who knew where the three bulrushes were.   [Please select]


Now the fox was particularly fond of young magpies, and he set about making a plan by which he could have one for dinner.   [Please select]

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magpie - magpies - maguey