Sentence example with the word 'maguey'


Definition n. Mexican plant used especially for making pulque which is the source of the colorless Mexican liquor

Last update: September 8, 2015


Other agricultural products are sweet potatoes, cassava (manioc), yuca, yams, white potatoes, maguey, okra, peanuts, pease, all the vegetables of the hot and temperate climates, oranges, lemons, limes, bananas, plantains, figs, grapes, coco-nuts, pine-apples, strawberries, plums, guavas, breadfruit, mangoes and many others.   [Please select]


I behold the maguey of culture (_Agave Americana_), in all its giant proportions.   [Please select]


Beyond this, the mezquite and the scarlet leaves of the wild maguey marked the boundary of the forest.   [Please select]


The maguey, with its bill-shaped claws, had torn our uniform overalls to shreds.   [Please select]


Maguey-sugar is derived from the sap of the maguey-plant (_Agave Americana_).   [Please select]


Dim, bluish fields of the unfamiliar maguey were planted in regular rows.   [Please select]

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magpies - maguey - magueys