Sentence example with the word 'manatees'


Last update: July 28, 2015


65 and 66, calling them manatees, and says: "In one particular, however, the sculptors of the mound-period committed an error."   [Please select]


Three families--1st, _Herbivorous Cetacea_, Manatees, Dugongs; 2nd, _Ordinary Cetacea_, Porpoises; 3rd, _Balaenidae_, Whales.   [Please select]


Petersburg, 183* restoration, 176* size, 179, 180, 181 size of tusks, 181, 196 teeth, 196, 199* teeth dredged in North Sea, 184 tusks brought into market, 188, 189 Man contemporary with Mammoth, 189 fossil, 13 of Guadeloupe, 13 Manatees killed by cold, 230 Marsh, Prof.   [Please select]


6, above given, although unquestionably of an otter, agrees more closely with the several so-called manatees, which are represented without fishes, than with the fish-bearing otter, first mentioned, Fig.   [Please select]

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manatee - manatees - manche