Sentence example with the word 'moldering'


ablative, corrosive, disintegrating, flyblown, isolated, peaceful, resting, smooth, stoic, unperturbed

Last update: September 9, 2015


They determined to throw off in work the gloomy feelings that had oppressed them in the moldering cabin of the Viking ship.   [Please select]


At the mention of his name the moldering skeleton turns in his grave and groans.   [Please select]


Leisler's soul, like that of John Brown, marched on while his body was moldering in the grave.   [Please select]


Before leaving, he looked again at the overturned chair, the stones lying about it, and the moldering remains of the man.   [Please select]


I weep at the thought that a hundred years hence there will be nothing left of it except, perhaps, a handful of dust and a few moldering bones.   [Please select]


Standing in the tomb where the air was close and heavy, the pale glimmer of the lantern showed piles of moldering coffins in the niches, and everywhere lay tokens of decay and death.   [Please select]

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moldered - moldering - molders