Sentence example with the word 'mordants'


Last update: September 20, 2015


It is decomposed by heat into oxide, nitrogen peroxide and oxygen; and is used for the manufacture of fusees and other deflagrating compounds, and also for preparing mordants in the dyeing and calico-printing industries.   [Please select]


In pursuance of this plan nothing is said of the composition and properties of the various dyes, mordants, chemicals, etc.   [Please select]


This method, as stated above, is very wasteful, not only of dye-stuffs, but of mordants.   [Please select]


Alumina and chrome are the metallic mordants most commonly used in the dyeing of reds; sometimes tin is used, but never iron.   [Please select]


As mordanting materials bichromate of potash and fluoride of chrome are chiefly used when chrome mordants are required, sometimes chrome alum.   [Please select]


Fluoride of chrome, chrome acetate, or alum, may be used as mordants if necessary.   [Please select]


As no mordants are needed there is nothing to impart a harsh feel to the fabrics.   [Please select]

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mordanting - mordants - mordents