Sentence example with the word 'muckraking'


attack, character assassination, defamation of character, denigration, last-minute lie, mudslinging, name-calling, revilement, smear, smear word, whispering campaign

Definition n. the exposure of scandal

Last update: August 15, 2015


, 191 Monroe Doctrine, 205, 512 Montana, admission, 442 Montgomery, General, 114 Morris, Robert, 127 Mothers' pensions, 551 Mohawks, 57 Muckraking, 536f.   [Please select]


A saturnalia of senatorial muckraking now laid bare the "oligarchy," as the small group of powerful veteran Senators who controlled the senatorial machinery was called.   [Please select]


The time had come, he added, to stop "muckraking" and proceed to the constructive work of removing the abuses that had grown up.   [Please select]

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muckrakers - muckraking - mucks