Sentence example with the word 'negate'


abate, beg off, cancel out, counteract, disagree, gag on, negativate, object, refuse to credit, stand aloof, vote nay

Definition v. be in contradiction with

Last update: July 12, 2015


Their attmpts to control pollution in the area were negated by the authorites permission to set up new industries there.   [verb]


The prosecutor is then allowed to call experts to negate what has been said to establish the artistic ground.   [verb]


This will negate the need for the CD ROMs to be placed on a CD jukebox type system.   [verb]


The infinite or non-finite is not necessarily known, ere the finite is negated, or in order to negate it; all that needs be known is the finite itself; and the contradictory negation of it implies no positive.   [Please select]


They are negated by what is external to them.   [Please select]


The definition that fails to yield it must exclude or negate it.   [Please select]


Instead of being interpreters of reality, concepts negate the inwardness of reality altogether.   [Please select]


What you posit as A must already have cancelled the alternative or made it innocuous, by having negated it in advance.   [Please select]


It will be negated by the opposite ideas that dog it, and can survive only by entering, along with them, into some kind of treaty.   [Please select]

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nefarious - negate - negated