Sentence example with the word 'offing'


aftertime, by-and-by, determinism, expectation, future, futurity, immediate future, near future, prediction, prophecy, the distance, the sweet by-and-by, time to come

Definition n. the near or foreseeable future

Last update: June 22, 2015


There was a wedding in the offing.   [Please select]


The rapidity of the tides in this inlet, and the lowness of its shores, which are generally indistinct on account of mist from a moderate offing, render this the most difficult portion of the navigation of the east coast of England.   [Please select]


He was in the offing when I left.   [Please select]


"A British sloop of war in the offing," he remarked to his lieutenant, Dominique You, standing beside him.   [Please select]


However, towards mid-day she drew out into the offing, and they saw her sails slowly disappearing below the horizon.   [Please select]


Dirty Dan hovered in the offing until Nan had registered and gone up to her room.   [Please select]


"Not about the 'prince of professors' being 'in the offing' when you left."'   [Please select]


Now he positively refused to go to the vessel in the offing.   [Please select]

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officiousness - offing - offish