Sentence example with the word 'officiousness'


Definition n. aggressiveness as evidenced by intruding

Last update: August 11, 2015


He might have been overlooked but for the well-meant, indignant officiousness of his father.   [Please select]


To use one, denotes that officiousness will be shown by you toward your friends.   [Please select]


Robinson was far from thanking the old gentleman for his officiousness.   [Please select]


--Yet, what to say, how to approach Richard without risk of seeming officiousness and consequent offense, he could not tell.   [Please select]


"Ah, I might have trusted you to find your own way out--don't overwhelm me with the sense of my officiousness."   [Please select]


As I have no estate to leave behind, I am not troubled with the importunate officiousness of relations or legacy hunters, and I consider the world as made for me, not me for the world.   [Please select]


They had been sent to me by the officiousness of a kind friend, whose heart is more to be esteemed than his prudence or political sagacity; they seemed to be dull compositions.   [Please select]

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officiously - officiousness - offing