Sentence example with the word 'outface'


Definition v. overcome or cause to waver or submit by

Last update: June 30, 2015


The courage of the hostages outfaced the cowardice of the hijackers.   [Please select]


Billy, outfaced, departed, feeling rather contemptible as she walked down the street.   [Please select]


"A new life," he muttered, "to come back to it all, to outface them all after their cursed sneers and slights."   [Please select]


A week from now and they'll all come crawling back, y' know, if you only have the courage to outface 'em.'   [Please select]


Of so many black ill-willers, which should he be that doth so hardily outface us.   [Please select]


Dick was confounded to be thus outfaced with his own exaggerated words; but though he coloured, he still spoke stoutly.   [Please select]


No glaring chalk, no grim sandstone, no rugged flint, outface it; but deep rich meadows, and foliage thick, and cool arcades of ancient trees, defy the noise that men make.   [Please select]


Then did we two set on you four, and with a word outfaced you from your prize, and have it; yea, and can show it you here in the house.   [Please select]

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outers - outface - outfaced