Sentence example with the word 'pacifism'


a wise passiveness, continence, gentleness, inertia, meden agan, neutralness, passive self-annihilation, quiescence, sobriety, tranquillity, watching and waiting

Definition n. the doctrine that all violence is unjustifiable

Last update: September 20, 2015


Pacifism was the basic principle of Buddha for bringing peace amongst people.   [Please select]


The charge of pacifism was often brought against him, and his career generally as Secretary was widely condemned throughout the United States as lacking in energy, foresight and ability, and especially for his failure to prepare adequately in the months immediately preceding the American declaration of war.   [Please select]


She is the daughter of socialism, syndicalism, pacifism, internationalism--everything that is most apart from my traditions.   [Please select]


When an honourable peace has been confirmed, there will be no stauncher pacifist than the soldier; but we reserve our pacifism till the war is won.   [Please select]


This has sometimes been sneered at as mere Quaker pacifism; but it was certainly successful in lessening the numbers and effectiveness of the enemy.   [Please select]

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