Sentence example with the word 'passages'


Last update: September 20, 2015


In many passages of his works on pathology, physiology, and psychology Lotze had distinctly stated that the method of research which he advocated there did not give an explanation of the phenomena of life and mind, but only the means of observing and connecting them together; that the meaning of all phenomena, and the reason of their peculiar connexions, was a philosophical problem which required to be attacked from a different point of view; and that the significance especially which lay in the phenomena of life and mind would only unfold itself if by an exhaustive survey of the entire life of man, individually, socially, and historically, we gain the necessary data for deciding what meaning attaches to the existence of this microcosm, or small world of human life, in the macrocosm of the universe.   [Please select]


What passages seem to you worth learning and remembering.   [Please select]


Quote or read some passages that have impressed you.   [Please select]


Give passages from "John Gilpin" to illustrate Cowper's humor.   [Please select]


Cite any passages showing Lamb's skill in portraying people.   [Please select]


They made their last stand in corners and passages.   [Please select]


Look particularly at the pencilled passages, Mr.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

passage - passages - passageway