Sentence example with the word 'patroons'


Last update: August 30, 2015


In 1839 it became the centre of the "Anti-Rent War," which was precipitated by the death of Stephen van Rensselaer (1764-1839), the last of the patroons; the attempt of his heirs to collect overdue rents resulting in disturbances which necessitated the calling out of the militia, spread into several counties where there were large landed estates, and were not entirely settled until 1847.   [Please select]


The farms established by these patroons were to belong to them and to their families after them.   [Please select]


The only difference was that Governor Van Twiller favored Van Rensselaer more than he did the other patroons.   [Please select]


In this way there would be no patroons to act as masters.   [Please select]


I--I naturally conclude that no governor of the Patroons Club feels very kindly toward me.   [Please select]


What were the governors of the Lenox about--a lot of snivelling hypocrites, pandering to the horrified snobbery at the Patroons.   [Please select]


You know that the Patroons have dropped me, and you know what for.   [Please select]

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patroon - patroons - patsy