Sentence example with the word 'patsy'


babe, cinch, dupe, fall guy, goat, greenhorn, gull, mark, plaything, sap, schlemiel, sucker, victim

Definition n. a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of

Last update: September 10, 2015


Cynthia asked "They were old cigarettes—not like Patsy smokes," she said and then added quickly, "gotta go."   [Please select]


"Give him de grand bounce," suggested Patsy.   [Please select]


The Sea Venture comes home from Bermudas and the play Renan admired is written with Patsy Caliban, our American cousin.   [Please select]


COWS--Aunt Chloe 9, Cassy 56, Clara 63, Effie 85, Emma 89, Maud 237, Mina 240, Patsy 278, Pocahontas 2d 292, Ruby 318, Topsy 334.   [Please select]


Dam PATSY 278; 2d dam Pocahontas (1444) by Sir Walter (311); 3d dam Fairy (1260) by Dibble (176); 4th dam Devon (658).   [Please select]


Dam RUBY 318 by Somerville (563); 2d dam Patsy 278; 3d dam Pocahontas (1444) by Sir Walter (311); 4th dam Fairy (1260) by Dibble (176).   [Please select]


Dam CASSY 56 by Dan 32; 2d dam Patsy 278; 3d dam Pocahontas (1444) by Sir Walter (311); 4th dam Fairy (1260) by Dibble (176).   [Please select]


Dam PATSY 278; 2d dam Pocahontas (1444) by Sir Walter (311); 3d dam Fairy (1260) by Dibble (176).   [Please select]


'Patsy will never want bread again,' she concluded, and two bailies wept aloud.   [Please select]


"A lady was speaking lately at Muirtown for an orphanage at Ballyskiddle, and described how Patsy was rescued from starvation, and greatly affected us."   [Please select]


"Then she went on, and it seemed to me a stroke of genius, 'Speaking about Patsy, has any lady present a black dress suitable for a widow woman."'   [Please select]

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patroons - patsy - patted