Sentence example with the word 'pendants'


Last update: August 12, 2015


20), the female figure reclining on the lid wears a Greek chiton of a thin white material, with short sleeves fastened on the outside of the arm, by means of buttons and loops; a himation of dark purple thick stuff is wrapped round her hips and legs; on her feet are sandals, consisting of a sole apparently of leather, and attached to the foot and leg with leather straps; under the straps are thin socks which do not cover the toes; she wears a necklace of heavy pendants; her ears are pierced for ear-rings; her hair is partly gathered together with a ribbon at the roots behind, and partly hangs in long tresses before and behind; a flat diadem is bound round her head a little way back from the brow and 2 The tutulus was worn at Rome by the flaminica.   [Please select]


As it is never cleared away, the soot of course accumulates in course of time and hangs down in long pendants.   [Please select]


The space thus inclosed was set with cherry-trees from whose every gray twig depended the great pink pendants.   [Please select]


The wide street was deserted in the rain, it shone like a mirror, reflecting long pendants of light.   [Please select]


Sheets, buntlines, bowlines, lifts, reef-pendants, and halyards were fearfully snarled up.   [Please select]


Their cheeks were adorned with vermilion, their ears with pendants of shell, and their necks with beads.   [Please select]


Pottery moulds for making the pendants of fruits, leaves, animals, &c.   [Please select]

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pendant - pendants - pended