Sentence example with the word 'perianth'


Definition n. collective term for the outer parts of a flower consisting of the calyx and corolla and enclosing the stamens and pistils

Last update: October 24, 2015


The ovary, three-celled at first, but becoming one-celled and one-seeded by abortion, is surmounted by an inconspicuous perianth with six small teeth.   [Please select]


The growth of many leaves and of the perianth of flowers is hindered in diminished light.   [Please select]


The more common reaction consists of alterations in the size, form, and color of the perianth, and greater changes are induced in the petals than in the sepals.   [Please select]


The diminished size of the perianth of cleistogamous flowers of such types as the violet is due directly to the action of diminished light upon the hidden or inclosed flower.   [Please select]

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