Sentence example with the word 'personifies'


Last update: September 24, 2015


(For the Roman god, identified with Ares, see Mars.) As contrasted with Athena, who added to her other attributes that of being the goddess of well-conducted military operations, he personifies brute strength and the wild rage of conflict.   [Please select]


But SILAS LAPHAM is a novel as perfectly historical as is Hugh Wynne, for it pictures an era and personifies a type.   [Please select]


The ass which the devil gives to Little Johnny throws gold from its tail; the ass personifies the devil.   [Please select]


He personifies the abstract too passionately to need the love of women.   [Please select]


But now she holds a minute niche in history because of the fact that Napoleon stooped to hate her, and because she personifies sensibility.   [Please select]


If so, he again personifies the purpose itself, and must therefore embody it, or be talking in a manner which plain people cannot understand.   [Please select]

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personified - personifies - personify