Sentence example with the word 'personify'


adumbrate, corporify, epitomize, figure, image, manifest, objectify, pretypify, reflect, shadow forth, substantiate, typify

Definition v. invest with or as with a body

Last update: September 24, 2015


I personify my views at debate.   [Please select]


Geryon (from rygpuw, the howler or roarer) is supposed to personify the storm, his father Chrysaor the lightning, his mother Callirrhoe the rain.   [Please select]


Great causes need an historical figure to personify their interests and tendencies.   [Please select]


In him Fate seemed to personify life's revenges, its futilities, its calculating ironies.   [Please select]


As imaginative children personify the sounds they hear, so the men and women of an early time personified everything that lived or moved or gave any sign of life.   [Please select]


We naturally personify it, and conceive its massy walls and its dim emptiness to be instinct with a calm and meditative and somewhat melancholy spirit.   [Please select]

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personifies - personify - personifying