Sentence example with the word 'pittance'


ace, contribution, dribble, gobbet, handout, mere subsistence, mote, pebble, short allowance, spot, trace

Definition n. an inadequate payment

Last update: September 9, 2015


The house was sold for a pittance.   [noun]


I only wish we had been given ' middle-class ' values, instead of simple working-class ones i.e. to work hard for pittance wages.   [noun]


The pittance earned by some of these women is earned at the expense of more than only hard toil.   [noun]


For many years the home has been left to the care of the little ones, while the parents are exhausting their life and strength for a mere pittance.   [noun]


Robert is very well in a way, to give up all the money he can earn to the family, and keep the barest pittance for himself.   [noun]


He increased his scanty pittance by translation; in addition to some French novels, he rendered into German the Chaereas and Callirrhoe of Chariton, the Greek romance writer.   [Please select]


They are slaves who delve in the stubborn rocks For the pittance their labor brings.   [Please select]


Is there any fund from which a pittance could be spared to help these poor creatures.   [Please select]


"Look at the way a doctor grinds for a pittance."   [Please select]


Jurgis walked home-with his pittance of pay in his pocket, heartbroken, overwhelmed.   [Please select]

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piton - pittance - pittances