Sentence example with the word 'preciously'


Definition adv. extremely

Last update: July 30, 2015


_ The time 'twixt six and now Must by us both be spent most preciously.'   [Please select]


They have given up the treasure which they used to guard so preciously; they no longer have enemies.   [Please select]


Furniture of ivory, of ebony and lemonwood, preciously inlaid, gave to the place an air of cunning confusion.   [Please select]


'I did that, sir,' said a great lubberly fellow, stepping forward; 'and preciously I cut my knuckle agin' his mouth.   [Please select]


He made no attempt as yet to correlate these increments, these glimpses of truth into a system, but stored them preciously away.   [Please select]


It is as though space had preciously preserved, the whole winter through, the indelible track of their flight: as though the print of their tiny, laborious footsteps, still lay graven in the sky.   [Please select]

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precious - preciously - preciousness