Sentence example with the word 'preciousness'


Definition n. the quality possessed by something with a great price or value

Last update: July 3, 2022


But nothing has really been more unfortunate for the reputation of Jordanes as a writer than the extreme preciousness of the information which he has preserved to us.   [Please select]


Is the preciousness of a diamond a quality of the gem.   [Please select]


Next in preciousness to her mother's things were the long-hidden gifts of Jean Isbel.   [Please select]


--the one gem whose preciousness is worth more than all the world.   [Please select]


You can never understand a fraction of her preciousness, but you'll clip her wings all right.'   [Please select]


The Magsworth Bitts manner was withholding and reserved, though sometimes gracious, granting small smiles as great favours and giving off a chilling kind of preciousness.   [Please select]


The very cup she handled was instantly invested with a certain preciousness, and became a thing to be touched as delicately and as lightly as the fingers that had prepared it.   [Please select]

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