Sentence example with the word 'protraction'


adjournal, continuation, deferral, extension, lingering, persistence, progress, pursuance, stay, stretch, sustained action, uninterrupted course

Definition n. the consequence of being lengthened in duration

Last update: July 24, 2015


In April the friends heard of the second and final overthrow of Ludovico it Moro, and at that news, giving up all idea of a return to Milan, moved on to Florence, which they found depressed both by internal troubles and by the protraction of the indecisive and inglorious war with Pisa.   [Please select]


Rostrate: the head, when it has a long protraction bearing the mouth parts.   [Please select]


This animal forms a separate genus of Gray, following Professor Peters' _Arctogale_, on account of the smallness of the teeth and the protraction of the palate.   [Please select]


This action, as mentioned previously, results in protraction of the upper jaw, and, as a consequence, its action supplements the action of _M.   [Please select]

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protracting - protraction - protractor