Sentence example with the word 'quaveringly'


Definition adv. in an unsteady quavering manner

Last update: July 8, 2015


The crew took it up quaveringly and the passengers joined in, but I think one verse was all they sang.   [Please select]


"I wish to God," he said quaveringly, "'at every creature on earth was as well fixed as me an' the redbird."   [Please select]


Her response was to say, irrelevantly, somewhat quaveringly, in a voice as near to tears as he could fancy her coming: "I wish I hadn't fallen out with Aunt Vic."   [Please select]


"No--no--don't tech me--leave me be--leave me be--" The youth, aghast and filled with wonder at the tall soldier, began quaveringly to question him.   [Please select]

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quavering - quaveringly - quavers