Sentence example with the word 'quavers'


Last update: August 18, 2015


He stopped at the threshold, saluted again, and, in a voice full of quavers, announced: "His Highness Prince Frederick of Carnavia."   [Please select]


The old man must be seventy-five, if he's a day, and his voice quavers so that it makes the boys laugh.   [Please select]


Obed stopped, but continued to whistle, pouring forth the most beautiful and winning trills and quavers.   [Please select]


Yet the grass grew again when the quondam harper and singer ceased desolating the air with his quavers.   [Please select]


Pensive, but not sad, its long-drawn silvery notes continue in quavers that float off unended like a trail of mist.   [Please select]


And in a voice soft, rich and full of melody, and with perfect reproduction of the quaint old-fashioned cadences and quavers, she sang the Highland lament, "O'er the Moor."'   [Please select]

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quaveringly - quavers - quavery