Sentence example with the word 'reawaken'


Definition v. awaken once again

Last update: October 15, 2015


We hear the echoes in Jeremiah and Ezekiel and lastly in Haggai in ever feebler tones, and they were destined to reawaken in the Psalter (Pss.   [Please select]


He felt it in reawakened tenderness for his old father and in the stir of memory of Lenore Anderson.   [Please select]


The forgotten name had reawakened the returning memory that had been struggling to reassert itself.   [Please select]


He had reawakened in this easily-discouraged chum a new interest in the game.   [Please select]


Thanks to that, she reawakened in me the torments of jealousy which I had formerly known, though in a much slighter degree.   [Please select]


There was no longer any sign of pallor or weariness in her cheeks, for pleasure and excitement had reawakened the old Betty.   [Please select]


The activity of the insect made motionless by the concussion of a shock would reawaken in precisely the same fashion.   [Please select]

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reawake - reawaken - reawakened