Sentence example with the word 'reawakened'


Last update: September 29, 2015


By 1831 the period of depression had passed; Mill's enthusiasm for humanity had been thoroughly reawakened, and had taken the definite shape of an aspiration to supply an unimpeachable method of search for conclusions in moral and social science.   [Please select]


The forgotten name had reawakened the returning memory that had been struggling to reassert itself.   [Please select]


Thanks to that, she reawakened in me the torments of jealousy which I had formerly known, though in a much slighter degree.   [Please select]


There was no longer any sign of pallor or weariness in her cheeks, for pleasure and excitement had reawakened the old Betty.   [Please select]


2, That under the pressure of puberty the temptation to self-abuse through the tickling of the genitals was reawakened.   [Please select]


He felt it in reawakened tenderness for his old father and in the stir of memory of Lenore Anderson.   [Please select]


He had reawakened in this easily-discouraged chum a new interest in the game.   [Please select]

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reawaken - reawakened - reawakening