Sentence example with the word 'rebutted'


Last update: August 16, 2015


It was a miserable libel and was at once rebutted by Goodyear.   [Please select]


But in recent years evidence which cannot be rebutted has been supplied by the marking of birds.   [Please select]


Asad approved him heartily, the more heartily since it rebutted insinuations which he desired above all to hear rebutted.   [Please select]


To obviate this difficulty he paid solitary nocturnal visits to the hut, on which occasions he applied himself so zealously to the study of the strange characters that he not only became as expert as his teacher, but left her far behind, and triumphantly rebutted the charge of stupidity which she had made against him.   [Please select]

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rebuttal - rebutted - rebutter