Sentence example with the word 'refounded'


Last update: July 16, 2015


Refounded by the Byzantines in the 6th century, the city disappeared from history at the time of the Arab conquest of the country in the 7th century.   [Please select]


Another work of his was restoring Corinth and Carthage, which had both been ruined the same year, and now were both refounded the same year.   [Please select]


Just before his death Edward established Christ's Hospital, or home for the support and education of fatherless children, and refounded and renewed the St.   [Please select]


Mary, however, in her zeal for the ancient faith, restored a great part of the property still in the possession of the crown, and refounded many of the ruined monasteries and abbeys.   [Please select]

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refound - refounded - refract