Sentence example with the word 'salvors'


Last update: September 26, 2015


It might well be implied that payments compulsorily required from the assured by law for contributions to G.A., or as salvage for services by salvors, will be undertaken or repaid by the underwriter, the service being for his benefit.   [Please select]


That's a matter generally agreed on between the salvors and the owners.   [Please select]


Readers should remember that the English government abandoned all claim on the vessel; that the American government then bought her of the salvors, refitted her completely, and sent her to England as a present to the Queen.   [Please select]


Everywhere along the coast the salvors of life and property were on the alert--many of them already in action, out battling in midnight darkness with the raging sea.   [Please select]

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salvoes - salvors - salvos