Sentence example with the word 'scholarly'


abstruse, cross-disciplinary, diligent, egghead, highbrowed, literate, pedagogical, postgraduate, scholastic, technical

Definition adj. characteristic of scholars or scholarship

Last update: August 18, 2015


His life at this period was a struggle against crushing poverty, but his scholarly ambition was never relaxed.   [Please select]


He took scholarly as well as social honors, and came forth a Phi Beta Kappa man.   [Please select]


Smith's "Our Struggle for the Fourteenth Colony" (1907) is a scholarly and detailed account of the same period from an American standpoint.   [Please select]


Fyffe in his late scholarly history sneers at him as a sanctimonious old Puritan,--almost a hypocrite.   [Please select]


_ "This is, in our opinion, the most scholarly and exhaustive treatise on the subject of hops, their culture and preservation, etc."   [Please select]


The result of his sympathetic and scholarly investigations is most interesting to the student of childhood, and as valuable philologically as historically.   [Please select]


43) is a readable, scholarly, and well-illustrated account of a Romano-British farm-site five miles south-west of Salisbury on the edge of Cranborne Chase.   [Please select]


His mother's friend, Brunetto Latini, famous as statesman and scholarly poet, was of great assistance in directing his tastes and studies.   [Please select]


He was not so learned as Erasmus, nor so logical as Calvin, nor so scholarly as Melancthon, nor so broad as Cranmer.   [Please select]


He was a moderate, calm, scholarly man, not a great genius or great preacher.   [Please select]


(1889-96; published subsequently in various editions), which is both scholarly and of fascinating interest on the subject of the early expansion into the West.   [Please select]

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