Sentence example with the word 'senna'


Definition n. any of various plants of the genus Senna having pinnately compound leaves and showy usually yellow flowers

Last update: June 21, 2015


Millet, dates, indigo and senna are the principal productions.   [Please select]


We've got mustard in the house, and senna--I think there's some senna left--and Jamaica ginger.   [Please select]


He wondered what 'scathe' was, and if it was nastier than the senna tea which he had to take sometimes.   [Please select]


The eggs are laid upon the leaves of clover and more especially upon some common species of Cassia, such as wild senna.   [Please select]


The food plant of the species is chiefly wild senna or other kinds of Cassia.   [Please select]


And he answered: 'Call all the head men of Senna here to the river's bank.'   [Please select]


He would be a _better Chymist_ who should poison intentionally, than he on whose mind the prevailing impression was that "Epsom Salts mean Oxalic Acid, and Syrup of Senna Laudanum."   [Please select]


But for years before we had even the village tailor appearing occasionally in the local newspaper as Sir Knight Shears, and the apothecary as Most Worthy Grand Commander and Puissant Potentate Senna.   [Please select]

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seniors - senna - sennet