Sentence example with the word 'spacing'


Definition n. the time between occurrences of a repeating event

Last update: November 3, 2015


In this the tongue of the relay is kept over to the spacing side by means of a current flowing in one direction, but on the depression of the signalling key the current is reversed, moving the relay tongue over to the marking side.   [Please select]


0em; font-size: xx-large} h2 {letter-spacing: 0.   [Please select]


*/ empty-cells: show; /* usual default is hide */ border-spacing: 0.   [Please select]


To get the approximate spacing from circles A-A to B-B measure the diameter at A-A´ plus about 3/16" and lay off from A-A´ to B-B´."   [Please select]


When the main part of the screen is finished, the cross cords, used for spacing and binding the whole together, are put in place.   [Please select]


As to the spacing of conductors, they may, even on the most important buildings, be spaced at intervals of 50 feet.   [Please select]


A safe rule for the spacing of dowels when jointing sideboard tops, dressing table and wardrobe ends, etc.   [Please select]


Page 94: The phrase, "the son of a cigar-maker" hyphenated cigar-maker for spacing between two lines.   [Please select]


Page 185: Trade-mark was split between two lines and hyphenated for spacing, thus giving the transcriber a choice.   [Please select]


My guess is that the publisher left out the oomlat here by mistake when hyphenating the word into two lines for spacing.   [Please select]


(scratched his head) Varied hyphenation and spacing in snowstorm and snowball/snow ball retained.   [Please select]

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spacial - spacing - spacings