Sentence example with the word 'turmoils'


Last update: October 28, 2015


Other European Societies.-The impluse which founded the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1804 soon spread over Europe, and, notwithstanding the turmoils of the Napoleonic wars, kindred organizations on similar lines quickly sprang up, promoted and subsidized by the British and Foreign Bible Society.   [Please select]


To see or feel the earthquake in your dream, denotes business failure and much distress caused from turmoils and wars between nations.   [Please select]


These turmoils, which are uninteresting to us, formed no inconsiderable part of the history of the times.   [Please select]


But, after all the uncertainties and turmoils, this bitter peace had its balms.   [Please select]


CHAPTER XLV MENTAL TURMOILS Edna went home faint, trembling, and her head in a whirl.   [Please select]


Nowhere would one find a more ideal illustration of the place home and family ties should supply as an alleviation for the turmoils and disappointments of public life.   [Please select]

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turmoil - turmoils - turnabout