Sentence example with the word 'tardily'


Definition adv. without speed

Last update: June 28, 2015


His ces me, intentions in the main were still loyal, for be desired cal to capture Rome for the kingdom; and he did his tio st to avoid the regulars tardily sent against him.   [Please select]


By and by came the chief tardily, having been delayed by the search for a soldier's scarlet coat, such as he wore on great occasions.   [Please select]


In the wake of the lumbermen settlers are tardily spreading northward from the more favored tracts in northern New England and southern Canada.   [Please select]


Considerable blood will be lost and the wound will heal tardily, but the ox will be preserved.   [Please select]


I waited for him in some wonder, it not being like him to come tardily to such pastime.   [Please select]


This convention had been ratified somewhat tardily by the Senate and now waited on the pleasure of the Spanish Government.   [Please select]


It occurred to me somewhat tardily, that I knew nothing of Delia but her given name.   [Please select]


The best evidence that he was right lies in the fact that President Wilson, tardily, reluctantly, adopted, one by one, Roosevelt's demands.   [Please select]


He saw Bassett in the affair, and probably Clark himself, still living and tardily determined to clear his name.   [Please select]


It arrived, somewhat tardily, only last night, or I should not have had it with me.   [Please select]


But on occasions, before he himself somewhat tardily departed,--drawn thither by a morbid though impelling attraction, Hodder occasionally walked through Dalton Street of an evening.   [Please select]

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tardiest - tardily - tardiness