Sentence example with the word 'tatterdemalions'


Last update: August 10, 2015


Because they could not understand him all these people assumed that it was useless to talk to the old man; that he would never grasp the profundity of their plans, that he would answer with his phrases (which they thought were mere phrases) about a "golden bridge," about the impossibility of crossing the frontier with a crowd of tatterdemalions, and so forth.   [Please select]


Virtue rendered these tatterdemalions resplendent.   [Please select]


The tubes are then closed at the orifice with a thick plug of earth; nearly the whole swarm has disappeared; there remain on the spot a score of tatterdemalions in threadbare fleeces, worn out by a month's hard toil.   [Please select]


All his insults to humanity became suddenly typified in these five hundred jumping tatterdemalions--the way in which he had plundered the world of its youth, its cleanness, its decency.   [Please select]


By this time Betty was ready to weep over the child, with his knowledge of shabby vice, and his fresh young faith in those old tatterdemalions.   [Please select]


He was not gone a hundred yards, when my friend Oregan came up in order to rescue me, with two tatterdemalions, whom he had engaged for that purpose about the purlieus of St.   [Please select]

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tatterdemalion - tatterdemalions - tattered