Sentence example with the word 'uncultivated'


acarpous, childless, dry, hobnailed, jejune, nonproducing, rudimental, uncivilized, unguided, unrefined, wild

Definition adj. (of land or fields) not prepared for raising crops

Last update: July 21, 2015


It was a royal preserve, and remains for the most part an uncultivated waste, but it is also a rich coalfield, and there are mines in every direction.   [Please select]


"Mountains and lakes" meant the uncultivated land around settlements, the "village commons", where people collected firewood or went fishing.   [Please select]


In the rear, a small garden is protected from the uncultivated life of the hillside by a fence of close-set pickets.   [Please select]


There is a part of his heart which will remain uncultivated to the end.   [Please select]


And yet, this same headwater territory was teeming with human beings, as rude and uncultivated as the South Sea Islanders.   [Please select]


The Indian skylark likewise may now be heard singing at Heaven's gate in places where there are large tracts of uncultivated land.   [Please select]


"Strange," murmured Ned, half soliloquising, "that, although so wild and uncultivated, it should remind me so forcibly of home."   [Please select]

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unctuousness - uncultivated - uncultured