Sentence example with the word 'unsatisfactorily'


Last update: October 1, 2015


Duty must be accepted as a given certainty, or it is vindicated - unsatisfactorily enough, perhaps - in the way just explained.   [Please select]


Of all the riddles of aesthetic experi8ence, none has been so early propounded, so indefatigably attempted, so variously and unsatisfactorily solved, as this.   [Please select]


You've let two days elapse since you asked my permission to approach her---- You're the same with this Maisie woman--inhumanly, unsatisfactorily magnanimous.'   [Please select]


His subtle efforts to draw Haddan into a discussion of the princess and her household resulted unsatisfactorily.   [Please select]


He was somewhat distracted by the presence of the two observers and attended rather unsatisfactorily to the task in hand.   [Please select]


He could not identify it, though he made several guesses, and was still speculating unsatisfactorily, when he received a startling reminder that there was a new peril at his very feet.   [Please select]

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unsated - unsatisfactorily - unsatisfactoriness