Sentence example with the word 'validity'


actionability, beneficialness, constitutionalism, expedience, goodness, legal form, moxie, power struggle, rightfulness, strength, virtuousness

Definition n. the quality of being valid and rigorous

Last update: October 4, 2015


The validity of the contract is not signed.   [Please select]


She was trying to determine the best way to attack and debating the validity of her boss's assertion that the human-made weapons she carried were useless against Xander.   [Please select]


The Bogomils recognized the authority neither of Church nor of State; the validity neither of oaths nor of human laws.   [Please select]


At length, however, in December, 1806, the validity of Whitney's patent was finally determined by decision of the United States Circuit Court in Georgia.   [Please select]


This method was used to check the validity of other methods, and to reduce the possibility that rare species would go undetected.   [Please select]


But even in defending what remains, from the most widely accepted point of view, the validity of Mr.   [Please select]


No one, therefore, can admit the validity of the use of such rules as first principles.   [Please select]

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validation - validity - validly