Sentence example with the word 'vengefully'


Definition adv. in a vindictive

Last update: July 2, 2015


Some, indeed, gathered together as they ran; but the greater portion fled in various directions, to escape the line of spears vengefully following them.   [Please select]


On the contrary, he continued to charge, butt, and bellow, as vengefully as ever--though the scarlet was no longer before his eyes.   [Please select]


"Mean is no name for it," the other Graham girl declared vengefully.   [Please select]


Ferguson seeing on this that he made little progress, and that the men, though they looked at me vengefully, were not to be kindled, grew furious and more furious, and began to storm and rave.   [Please select]


The sailor's hand crept slyly to the butt of one of his revolvers; his wicked eyes glared vengefully at the retreating form of the young Englishman.   [Please select]

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vengeful - vengefully - vengefulness