Sentence example with the word 'vengefulness'


Definition n. a malevolent desire for revenge

Last update: July 8, 2015


Among the crowds tales more and more wonderful were related of the vengefulness of the Christian God.   [Please select]


The veneer of gentleness that she had put on could not withstand the deep-seated spitefulness of her nature, and as she observed a severe scratch on one hand and felt the disarrangement of her hair, she yielded impulsively to vengefulness of spirit that was boiling within her and exclaimed: "The miserable little pest."   [Please select]


)--In order to _understand_ this passage, a first-rate example of the psychology underlying every Chandala-morality, one should read the first part of my "Genealogy of Morals": there, for the first time, the antagonism between a _noble_ morality and a morality born of _ressentiment_ and impotent vengefulness is exhibited.   [Please select]

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vengefully - vengefulness - venial