Definition of word 'lay'

  • adj. characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy
  • adj. not of or from a profession
  • n. a narrative song with a recurrent refrain
  • n. a narrative poem of popular origin
  • v. put into a certain place or abstract location
  • v. put in a horizontal position
  • v. prepare or position for action or operation
  • v. lay eggs
  • v. impose as a duty

Synonyms of the word 'lay'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'lay'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'lay'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
fx flaxy 18
gz glazy 18
cx calyx 17
fk flaky 15
lx laxly 15
nx nylax 15
bk balky 14
fw flawy 14
dk aldyk 13
bw bylaw 13
fm flamy 13
hp haply 13
hp hpyla 13
kl aklyl 12
mp amply 12
pp apply 12
bm balmy 12
gy gayly 12
bm labmy 12
kn lakny 12
kr lakry 12
ek leaky 12
mm malmy 12
mp malpy 12
kt kalty 12
aw alway 11
bd badly 11
bd baldy 11
ft fatly 11
fs flays 11
hs hylas 11
ht lahty 11
nw lanwy 11
ef leafy 11
ev leavy 11
dm damly 11
rw rawly 11
hs hsaly 11
sv sylva 11
ev evaly 11
lw lawly 11
nw nawly 11
sw yaslw 11
cs acyls 10
ms amyls 10
pt aptly 10
bl bally 10
be belay 10
bi bialy 10
bo boyla 10
cr clary 10
cs clays 10
co coaly 10
dg dlagy 10
ce lacey 10
pu laypu 10
mo lmaoy 10
ce lycea 10
mt malty 10
mn manly 10
mr marly 10
em emaly 10
lp laply 10
ps palsy 10
pt patly 10
pt platy 10
ap alpya 10
ps plays 10
cs csaly 10
ps pslay 10
pt pytal 10
eg aelgy 9
di daily 9
dl dally 9
de delay 9
gi gaily 9
gl gally 9
ag agyal 9
gr glary 9
gr gyral 9
dr ladry 9
de layde 9
de ldaey 9
dr lyadr 9
ds dasly 9
du yadlu 9
ar alrry 8
ai aliya 8
al allay 8
el aeley 8
lo alooy 8
ll allyl 8
rs aryls 8
as asyla 8
er early 8
in inlay 8
it laity 8
er layer 8
er leary 8
lo loyal 8
rt lyart 8
es lyaes 8
ss lyssa 8
tt lytta 8
an aynla 8
lr larly 8
er erlay 8
ir iryal 8
or oryal 8
ls lasly 8
st salty 8
st slaty 8
ss slays 8
lt latly 8
nu nulay 8
nu ynlau 8

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
z lazy 16
k alky 11
k laky 11
f flay 10
h hyla 10
w waly 10
w yawl 10
b ably 9
c acyl 9
m amyl 9
c clay 9
c lacy 9
p paly 9
p play 9
g agly 8
d lady 8
d yald 8
l ally 7
r aryl 7
s lays 7
s slay 7

5 words found for letters 'ALY'

3 letter words

Anagrams of the word lay, words consist of 'ALY'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
lay 6 6

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'lay'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ay 5 4
ya 5 4
al 2 3
la 2 3

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