Sentence example with the word 'obtruding'


Last update: August 28, 2015


It seems scarcely to know fear, obtruding itself on the notice of any traveller who invades its haunts, and, should he halt, making itself at once a denizen of his bivouac. In confinement it speedily becomes friendly, but suitable food for it is not easily found.   [Please select]


She was experienced in the ways of girls, and contrived to keep order without seeming to be constantly obtruding rules.   [Please select]


Without obtruding himself upon Diane, Derek began to dine more frequently at his own house.   [Please select]


There's something bigger than the usual idea in this that keeps obtruding itself.   [Please select]


"You will pardon my obtruding myself upon you, Colonel Preston," said the stranger, with great ease of manner.   [Please select]


And as he watched her another thought persisted in obtruding itself into his mind.   [Please select]


In obtruding her eggs into the nests of other birds, Madame Cowbird is sly and stealthy.   [Please select]


Why, oh, why, need the man have been ambushed here, of all places under the sun, obtruding his undesired presence and marplot countenance once again on her and Mr.   [Please select]


There was something else in the back of my head that kept obtruding itself as I walked to the Cabin, with the beautiful moth clinging to my fingers.   [Please select]

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obtrudes - obtruding - obtrusion