Sentence example with the word 'spinney'


Definition n. a copse that shelters game

Last update: June 14, 2015


The kids played hide and seek in the spinney.   [Please select]


His concluding years were passed at Spinney Abbey in Cambridgeshire; he was unmolested by the government, and he died on the 23rd of March 1674.   [Please select]


And the joy was that it was all mine alienably--groomed hedgerow, spotless road, decent greystone cottage, serried spinney, tasselled copse, apple-bellied hawthorn, and well-grown tree.   [Please select]


The shadow-figure, traced in lines of light, this time adorned the other end of the spinney's edge.   [Please select]


On the other side of the brook is a spinney of beeches, with smooth, straight trunks, like pillars.   [Please select]


She could see the massed outline of the trees of the spinney.   [Please select]


You are not on the road, and I have been through the spinney.   [Please select]


During our conversation the model passed through the garden gate and walked towards the Spinney, and stood looking in a rapt way at the sunset clouds and listening to the birds.   [Please select]


Close to it was a dripping spinney, its trees forming a darkling background to the tumble-down house, whose thatch was rotting into holes, and its walls sagging forward perilously.   [Please select]

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spinners - spinney - spinneys